Database Mobile Application Development
Mobile Application Development
It’s no longer enough to build websites and portals that can be accessed on mobile phones and tablets. Pages designed for desktop monitors don’t work as well (or sometimes, at all) when shrunk down to fit a handheld screen.
If your team or customers need to access or input data on the go, mobile application development should be a key part of your strategy.
We’ve handled more than a few database-related mobile application projects for our clients, both for iOS and Android platforms. Our team regularly builds easy-to-use mobile apps that give our clients a competitive edge.
With your data and ideas, and our experience building end-to-end mobile applications, you’ll be able to take your business and data anywhere.

Integrating mobile and tablet-friendly forms enables your staff to eliminate duplicate data entry and work from anywhere. They provide customers and staff instant contact with your company, which can give you a real competitive advantage.

Dashboards & Reports on the Go
Have a big meeting with stakeholders? Need to prepare for a sales presentation? A mobile application allows you to access real-time data and metrics about everything from financial performance and productivity to exception reporting, all while on the go.

Revenue Generation
You may not be selling online, but your competitors are. A mobile e-commerce application provides customers with an easy way to shop your products and services from their phone or tablet--which can lead to increased sales revenue.

Content Sharing
Your organization has a lot to say and valuable information to share. A mobile application can be a great way to embed your brand on customers' mobile phones. Always within reach, you’ll profit by staying top of mind and a click-of-an-app away.

“We aim to build things right the first time. You deserve peace of mind, so we guarantee our work. Period.”
- Dan Reynolds, Founder We Build Databases -
Before we write a single line of code, we make sure we understand your data challenges so we can build a solution that meets your specific needs. From the software look and layout to the coding and the framework that supports it.