Soldiers’ Angels
Our Client

Soldiers' Angels
Soldiers’ Angels has a global network of volunteers — representing all 50 states, Guam, Puerto Rico, and 24 countries abroad — that work to ensure that those who serve or have served are supported, uplifted, and remembered through a variety of support programs.

Soldiers’ Angels was working extensively with an online software program that was outdated and inefficient. We Build Databases has developed an extensive program management system that allows team members to effectively manage and support Soldiers’ Angels 15 Programs for deployed service members, veterans, and their families. Service members can quickly and easily register for eligible Programs via the online signup form. Angels who are interested in participating in such a worthy-organization can also signup and begin searching for service member opportunities via a comprehensive Program Search.
More from the Soldiers' Angels Project
“We Build Databases has been our technology partner for the last four years. They have really help us support our troops!”
– Amy P.
- Unique Program Settings and Parameters
- National Level Volunteer Enablement
- Global Service Member Support
- Workflow Distribution Tool
- Program/Project Management
- Historical Data Migration
- Financial Activity Reporting
- Custom Veterans/Family Support Tools
- Summary and Detail Level Reporting
- Custom Alerting
- System Modernization
- Centralized Tracking Systems
- Reduced Manual Tasks
- Automation
- Non-Profit
- Security

“We aim to build things right the first time. You deserve peace of mind, so we guarantee our work. Period.”
- Dan Reynolds, Founder We Build Databases -
Before we write a single line of code, we make sure we understand your data challenges so we can build a solution that meets your specific needs. From the software look and layout to the coding and the framework that supports it.