Marquis Construction
Our Client

Marquis Construction
Marquis Industrial Services is a Houston, TX based construction company that leads in specialized scaffolding for construction projects regardless of industry.

Marquis was seeking a data solution for employee time tracking and payroll on all client construction sites. We Build Databases developed Marquis a reporting system generating almost 30 time tracking, client billing, and payroll reports. Paired with mobile and web applications, Marquis can accurately track time on any client project site. Marquis plans on fully moving to a WBD developed system in the near future.
More from the Marquis Project
“Moving our payroll and client reports off of Excel saved us tons of time and money. We Build Databases delivered a highly capable reporting system making our lives easier. They will continue to be a trusted partner of Marquis as we continue to grow.”
– Eric C.
- Time Tracking
- Accounting Audits
- Inventory Management
- Labor Rate Management
- Customer Invoicing
- Project Workflow
- Reduced Over Payment
- Increased Billing Activity and Accuracy
- Global Financial Reporting
- Global Activity Reporting
- Automated Alerts
- Administrative Controls for Data and Reporting Access
- Single Sign On
- Established Profitability Metrics
- In-Field Tracking and Reporting Tools
- 3rd Party Software Integration
- Reduced Manual Tasks
- Centralized Tracking System
- Construction

“We aim to build things right the first time. You deserve peace of mind, so we guarantee our work. Period.”
- Dan Reynolds, Founder We Build Databases -
Before we write a single line of code, we make sure we understand your data challenges so we can build a solution that meets your specific needs. From the software look and layout to the coding and the framework that supports it.