Mobile Development
Data Centric Mobile Development
For both mobile & tablet applications
WBD offers complete, end-to-end mobile and tablet application development services customized for all your data centric needs. With our extensive experience in the mobile space, we are your strategic partner in leveraging the ever changing mobile world. Take your business anywhere… improve efficiency and get more done – wherever you are.
Access real time reports and data metrics while on the go. Have a big meeting? Need to prepare for a sales presentation? Don’t sweat; your mobile application is always accessible and ready to feed you the data you need in a pinch.
Ecommerce mobile integration is a hot trend that is quickly become the new must-have for every online retailer. Allowing your users to access your products and work through the shopping cart process, all while on a mobile device can lead to a greater user experience, more return visitors, and an increase in sales revenue.
Integrating mobile and tablet friendly forms enable your staff eliminate duplicate data entry, get more done, and perform their job in any location. Customers can reach out and connect with your company immediately. With the ability to quickly turn requests into phone calls, your customer experience is vastly increased.
Surveys are a vital part of starting and maintaining a successful customer relationship; just as important is the mobile application that stores all of the real time survey data. Having a central repository of survey information that is manageable from anywhere will increase your overall company efficiency and effectiveness.
“We aim to build things right the first time. You deserve peace of mind, so we guarantee our work. Period.”
- Dan Reynolds, Founder We Build Databases -
Before we write a single line of code, we make sure we understand your data challenges so we can build a solution that meets your specific needs. From the software look and layout to the coding and the framework that supports it.